Homemade chicken pot pie

It’s been a whirlwind of a time over here and I know I haven’t posted in a while but rest assured that even though I didn’t post I was on fact cooking and trying new things so we are going to be doing three posts this week to cover what i’ve done the past three weeks!

The first recipe i’m covering this week is a request from my fiancé and I originally wasn't going to post it because it was for lunches for him to take to work and I wasn’t going to eat any of it, but while making it I decided i’d share it because it was a lot simpler than I expected. but we made our own chicken pot pie. The exact recipe we used was from pillsbury.com and was quite easy as we didn’t make the actual pie crust.

The very first lesson of this is to follow instructions! I put Ryan in charge of most of this cook, annnnnd let’s just say his instruction following is meh. first he didn't read the pie crust instructions on how to unroll them so one of them basically fell apart and then he followed the instructions for a one crust pie not a two crust pie so we technically prepared the actual crusts incorrectly, It apparently all tasted fine but read and follow instructions because sealing the pie was tricky.

we realized we did forget an ingredient we forgot an onion so we did have to leave that out this time. but the first step was to cook the chicken we got raw chicken breasts instead of canned or a rotessiere chicken, so to make the chicken I didn’t do any actual seasoning just pan cooked it to just before done so it didnt become over done in the bake and then shredded it.

to prep the pie crusts you are supposed to let them warm to room temp for 15 minutes before you unroll them so they don’t stick together, an important step, now you aren’t supposed to bake the base layer on a two layer pie but we did because again problems with following directions. but after we prepped the crusts and were preheating the oven we started on the rest of the filling it was pretty simple, started with butter (plant butter as Ryan is lactose intolerant), onion (which we will use on future makes), cooking for a few minutes and then adding flour to create a roux base. and again direction following directions issues it calls for slowly adding milk(lactaid) and broth, Ryan added it all at once, again turned out fine supposedly. you cook this until it thickened think like a white gravy, once thickened add chicken and the mixed veggies, we just used a frozen bag of mixed veggies and thawed them. before hand.

once the internal mixture is prepped scoop into the crust cover with the second crust seal the edges and cut a few slits in the top of the pie and bake at 425 for 30-40 minutes covering the outer crust with tin foil at about the 20 min mark. we just baked ours for 30 minutes BUT we also didn’t follow crust instructions properly. major lesson read the recipe and make sure you know what you’re supposed to be doing.


Veggie roasting


chicken fajita salad