chicken fajita salad

while trying to decide on lunches to take to work a bit ago I was like I kind of want taco salad but a lot of my other meals have beef this week and i’m not overly a fan of beef so I decided lets to a chicken taco/fajita salad instead.

I’ve personally never seen a recipe that was a fajita salad but I figured it couldn't be too hard a fajita is pretty much just chicken/meat with seasoned cooked veggies so let’s do this. so to make this I used sweet peppers cut them into strips and sautéed them in a grapeseed oil at medium heat until soft I seasoned the peppers with a dash of parika and crushed red peppers. to make the chicken I cut chicken breasts tenders into cubes cooked them till almost done in grapeseed oil at medium heat, once it was almost completely brown, I added 1/4 cup water with the fajita seasoning mix into it and simmered until the chicken was completely done.

now once the peppers and chicken were done the actual salads were a matter of personal choice. to make mine I did crushed tortilla chips, chicken, peppers, lettuce, diced tomatoes, salsa, guacamole, and sour cream. the good news is if you pack the tortilla chips separate this salad does travel VERY well. this is something that I will be added to our rotation of meals it was very very good.


Homemade chicken pot pie


baking day!