Welcome to No Bake Kitchen

Hi all,

Welcome to No Bake Kitchen! this blog is going to document my journey in learning to cook. specifically a journey to learn to cook WITHOUT an oven (will give more explanation in a minute), and as lactose intolerant friendly as I can! the name obviously is from the trying to do this without an oven and my LOVE of no bake cookies. but my reasoning for starting this blog is because as i’ve become an adult and live on my own i’ve come to love cooking and experimenting in the kitchen and wanting to learn as much as I can.

but a bit of background on me is that I’m an almost married woman (wedding in October!) from the midwest who’s family is AMAZING cooks who I steal many home recipes from and have learned many things. I'm a science girly through and through and work in a medical laboratory. my Fiancé is a lovely lovely man from his own fantastic family. when we had been dating about a year we realized that he was actually highly lactose intolerant so it’s been a learning curve ever since. we live together with our adorable German Shepard scrappy-doo. Ryan has told me before that i’m a decent cook for the entirety of our relationship so I decided i’m going to try new things.

so the INFAMOUS reason why I REFUSE to use the oven is because as an 8 year old making cookies with my mother I burnt myself TWICE on the same batch of cookies cried my eyes out and refuse to use the oven to this day.

I hope we enjoy this adventure together!!


Meatloaf minis